After 5 years since our launch, FINALLY!

Here comes the special station license, 8N2YOTA!! This is the first YOTA station in Japan, and will be operated by youths in JA to promote YOTA projects. We are also planning to participate in YOTA December Month using this callsign.

We have logged a memorial QSO at the top line of our logbook just now. We will report about it soon later.

Check to see QSL information.

YOTA Japan では、この度、記念局「8N2YOTA」を開設いたしました。日本では初めての、正式な「YOTA」局となります。今後、12月のDecember YOTA Month を始め、YOTA プロジェクト PR のために、わかものによる運用を行ってまいります。

