
YOTA Japan の目的は、21世紀型若手人材の育成をアマチュア無線を通して実現することにあります。


The vision, or the goal, of YOTA Japan is to cultivate human resources suitable for the 21st century through amateur radio. 

We consider that amateur radio can be a platform where people can obtain many skills while enjoying,  such as Literacy in science and technologies, perception of the borderless, multicultural society, creativity, problem-solving skills.


Fundamentals / 基礎




Mission “Fundamentals” is to create the 21st century’s amateur radio and its fundamental social values.

Amateur radio in modern days has only little value as a means of communication.

So we need to consider what role amateur radio can play in the 21st century.

For example, just like many countries are trying now, amateur radio may be able to take over the role as a platform for science experiments and human resource development.

Going back to the fundamental question of “what is amateur radio?”, we will reconsider the future of amateur radio.

Technologies / 技術


アマチュア無線は、現代に必要な、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、通信の、ICTの三要素に加え、その周辺分野を巻き込んで幅広い科学技術を体験できるプラットフォームになっています。 またこれらのトピックを楽しみながら学べるというのがアマチュア無線の特徴のひとつです。

YOTA Japan では、わかもの が、アマチュア無線を通して、こうした科学技術に触れることができる機会をつくり、将来の世界に貢献できる ICT 人材の育成に寄与します。

Mission “Technologies” is to cultivate knowledge, interests and literacy in science and technology.

Through amateur radio, we can experience many scientific and technical things, including the basic three elements of ICT, hardware, software and communication.

Plus, we can enjoy learning about these topics, which should be an advantage of amateur radio. 

We will create opportunities to experience science and technologies to have youngsters acquire ICT literacy, and we hope they will contribute to the future with that literacy.

Programs / 企画




YOTA Japan では、特にこの企画作りを通して、YOTA の 基本的なアイデアを実現したいと考えています。

The third one is to offer youngsters opportunities to create programs and events for youngsters. 

One of the most important ideas of YOTA is that “youngsters, from their perspectives, cultivate youngsters.”

Every single youngster is the core of YOTA activities, and youngsters will establish new communities. And we think it should be very effective and meaningful for youngsters to create programs from their ideas and observations. Moreover, their ideas and observations can provide great inspiration to the whole amateur radio world.

We are considering realizing the basic YOTA idea through creating programs and events by youngsters, in particular.


Ham Radio is a community worth Expanding.

Q. アマチュア無線の楽しさとは、何だろう?どう伝えればよいだろう?
Q. What attracts us to amateur radio? How to promote the attraction of amateur radio?


We are sure all of you had experiences of struggling with how to explain the pleasure of amateur radio to your friends.

We have to consider and discuss what attracts us to amateur radio and how to tell it to people.

Ham Radio can be Expanded more.
アマチュア無線を 広げよう

Q. これからのアマチュア無線は、どのような姿になるだろう?そのために何をしようか?
Q. What will the amateur radio in the future be like? What can we do to realize it?


Amateur radio in the 21st century cannot stay on as just a communication tool. It needs to have collaborations with other hobbies and social activities.

To make the future of amateur radio, expanding amateur radio itself must be an important idea.

Ham Radio can Expand your world.
アマチュア無線で 広がろう

Q. アマチュア無線を通じて、私たちは何を得られるだろう?何を学べるのだろう?
Q. What can we acquire and learn through amateur radio?


皆さん自身の世界がアマチュア無線で広がっていく、ということを、YOTA Japan の活動を通して実感していただければと思います。

Through amateur radio, you can obtain a lot of things. It includes new friends and communities, and also a lot of techniques and skills.

We hope that, during the activities of YOTA Japan, you will feel that your world is expanding through amateur radio.