What is “YCP”? / YCPとは?
(cite: https://www.ham-yota.com/youth-contesting-program-ycp-2018/)
Youth Contesting Program, or simply “YCP”, is a representative YOTA event that gives youngsters opportunities to enjoy contesting.
Lots of young hams are active and keen on contesting. In Japan, many school club stations actually take part in contests and some of them often make great results.
It is also true that most youngsters have only few opportunities to enjoy contesting in wonderful environments(good equipments, good members and good location), even if they belong to ham clubs at their school or other communities.
Based on these facts, YOTA holds YCP events and invites youngsters to the so-called “super stations” which have good environments for contesting. For example, 4O3A(Montenegro) and 9A1A(Croatia) are served as YCP stations. At CQ World Wide SSB 2017 young hams had a good time at A44A(Oman). All these stations above are world-famous contest stations and delivering powerful signals to all over the world.
We, YOTA-Japan team, are now preparing to hold YCP in Japan, with strong aim to realize it in the first half of 2018.
YCPとは、Youth Contesting Programの略で、若手にコンテストを行う機会を与えるイベントです。
これらの事情を踏まえ、欧州YOTAでは、コンテストに特化した所謂「スーパーステーション」に若手を招待し、素晴らしい環境でコンテストを楽しんでもらうという企画を催しています。これがYCPです。たとえば、4O3A(モンテネグロ)や9A1A(クロアチア)などがYCPに協力しています。CQ World Wide SSB 2017の際はA44A(オマーン)にて若者が大規模設備でのコンテストを楽しみました。これらの局はすべて、DXコンテストでも世界中に強力な電波を送り込んでいる有名コンテストステーションです。
See also… https://www.ham-yota.com/category/ycp/