Now we’d like to show one of messages from YCP participants at WPX SSB on this March.

YCP参加者(3月のWPX SSB)から送られてきたメッセージのひとつをご紹介しましょう。

There are many things to do in the world of ham radio, and every fields are very deep. It made me hesitate from doing new things, and DX contests was exactly one of these for me.

Six years have passed since I started ham radio. What I regularly do is domestic QSOs, so I was always unrest because of the callsigns which I’m not used to, but I feel happy because I had an invaluable experience.

There are few people who are involved in ham radio in our generation, so we often don’t have people like a teacher around us. So I feel thankful because I could knew each other with other youngsters, and because I could learn techniques from experienced people.

(20 y/o)




(20 歳)